Betkings Mobile App
Android App Betkings uk iyatholakala ukulanda ku Mahhala. ukuhlinzeka ithuba ukulanda ifayela ye-apk ka Betkings uk-Android ngokuphelele mahhala okufushane umnyuziki ye lokusebenza, ngaphandle amagciwane noma malware. Best online sports betting website in Nigeria. Visit BetKing for high odds, welcome bonus, live cash out and live betting. Bet on Soccer, Virtual and more.
Have you ever thought of beginning a unique business that makes you an incredible agent? Are you aware that there are lots of betting networks in Nigeria? But how many of them can give you more than what you are looking for? How special are they? What distinct features do they have that makes them different from others?
How about being an agent to one of them that speaks volume more than the rest? What do you think about being an agent of BetKing? Do you know the amazing perks that come with it? They are so many but I will list just a few for, now, they are:
- You will finally have your own personal business
- You will be a partner to BetKing
- You will have personalised training on ways to begin and set up
- We will have avenues to receive bonuses
- Being an agent will be beyond easy
Old Betking Mobile App
Sounds interesting right? There are other exciting things to benefit from being an agent such as:
You receive a percentage of commissions as a result of turnovers. Do you know that whenever you print out a bet slip, you make some money? How cool is that? How many businesses can give you up to 30% on commissions? This is what you benefit as an agent.
Whenever any customer uses your cashiers to register whether they are online or mobile, you receive mind-blowing commissions.
Concerning winning bets, there are no risks or any liability involved because BetKing is responsible for any such risks or loss.
BetKing constantly working to ensure that there are always new and interesting products so our customers can be intrigued to keep playing.
Betking Old Mobile
- Do you know that every month, we make available about 12000 betting events?
- The software we use in betting is the best and out of all the European sports, it is leading.
- We offer our clients sports that are very popular with more than 5000 events.
- You will have help in preparing your hardware and have complete support all the way
- If there are technical issues, there will be people to help sort them out; you will not be alone in this process.
- You and your staff will be trained just before your shop opens up to prepare you for the proper running of it.
- Your commissions will be paid within a day.
- You can start with a low sum of N25000
With the few benefits mentioned, I am sure you are getting interested, right?
Would you like to discover how to be part of this gold mine deal?
To be part of this great business, you need to meet some requirements. To be an agent of BetKing, you must have the following:
Install Betking Mobile App
A shop situated in an area that is busy:
This is very important because the more people that register with you the more commissions you have. If the area your shop is in is quite busy, you are sure to acquire more clients.
At least 3 laptops:
It is necessary you have at least 3 laptops to work with to make your work faster. Imagine you have about 10 customers waiting for you to register; if you have just one laptop, you will not only waste time but keep them standing for too long. But if you have more than one laptop and have people manning them, things would be a lot easier.
Your shop should be able to accumulate at least 5 cashiers:
Your shop space should be able to house at least 5 cashiers so more people can be registered.
Have at least 2 thermal printers:
To be able to print out bet slips for your clients, it is best you have at least 2 thermal printers in order to save time.
Steady internet connection:
To be a successful agent of BetKing, you must have an internet connection that will not fail you in order to do a good job. If you have an unstable internet connection, it will not be good for your business.
Constant power supply:
It is important you have a regular power supply so your business can run smoothly. If this cannot be possible, make sure you have a generator that can support you when there is no power supply. Without this, you will not be able to satisfy your clients and make money.
You should be the only BetKing agent nearby:
This means that there should be no other person doing exactly what you are doing at a close range. Even if there is another agent around, they should not be too close to you. This is so you can be able to acquire your own clients without any interference from someone else. It also helps to limit competition.
Do you have all of these? If you feel you meet all these requirements, you can finally register. The steps are below:
- Click Here
- Complete the form
- Submit it
It is imperative you know that the registration process is in various stages. Your documents and the location of the shop will also be verified in due time.
After registering, you can follow up in order to know where your application stands. To check:
- Go to
- Look for “Query Application” and click it
- Input your reference number
- Look for “Check status” and click it
After doing this, you will then know your application stage.
Once you do this, your journey to successfully becoming an agent of BetKing will begin. This is how you can be an agent of BetKing and these are the things you need before becoming one.
So are you ready to:
- Start making easy money?
- Be distinct from other businesses?
- Be the best agent of BetKing?
- Start making new clients?

If yes, get right into action, BetKing is just what you need to actualise your business aspirations. Start now!